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Headwaters is the largest manager and marketer of coal combustion products in the heavy construction materials industry.

Headwaters’ focus on transforming underutilized resources into valuable products has helped us capitalize on the demand for building materials that contribute to sustainability. Headwaters markets fly ash (a by-product produced by burning coal at power plants) and other coal combustion products, therefore reducing the need for virgin raw materials. Using fly ash also reduces CO2 emissions and energy consumption and produces a stronger, more durable concrete for infrastructure projects such as: roads, bridges, and highways.

Headwaters Resources

Headwaters Resources safely provides sustainable raw materials and products to the construction industry. Coal ash recycling is one of America’s greatest environmental success stories. Headwaters Resources has long been a leader in coal ash recycling, managing and marketing more than 50 million tons of coal combustion products (annually) that would otherwise end up being discarded. Decades of experience transforming this byproduct into a strategic resource benefits infrastructure projects, the environment, and our economy.

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Headwaters Resources

Headwaters Plant Services

Headwaters Plant Services provides innovative management solutions for coal combustion products and other industrial residuals. Though America currently recycles approximately 40 percent of the coal ash produced annually, tens of millions of tons remains unused and in need of management and control. For more than 20 years, Headwaters Plant Services has provided an array of services to electric utilities and industrial plants including: landfill design, construction, operation and closure, disposal pond operation and clean-outs, operation of pollution control equipment, and maintenance of heavy equipment plant site vehicles.

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Headwaters Plant Services